The Group of Ten
The "Group of Ten" is a Steering Committee for the establishment of an all-embracing Maritime Stakeholder Platform. This platform would contribute a holistic policy on maritime affairs, stimulating dialogue among different maritime stakeholders and between them and public authorities. It would become a primary interlocutor towards the European Commission, setting priorities for the Integrated Maritime Policy.
The platform would be based on five pillars:
- Science
- Industry
- Environmental NGOs
- Public authorities/regions
- Leisures/users of the sea
During the Maritime Day in Rome on 20 May 2009, the idea of an all embracing stakeholders Platform has been further discussed and supported by the European Commission. In Rome it was agreed to set up a "Steering Group", based on the five pillars above mentioned. (see concluding remarks by Commissioner Joe Borg )
This small committee is composed of 10 people, authoritative in their respective fields, and is characterized by a very flexible structure.
Hearing with the Commissioner for maritime affairs and fisheries